A member, and hoping to stay that way, of the reality-based community

22 July 2012

The silliness of the season.

Maybe it's the heat.  Something's gotten to the Rs in their pursuit of the White House.  How else to explain the recent hoo-hah about Obama and the Job Creators.  As Paul Krugman points out, there's nothing but lies in Romney's (and Romney's surrogates) attacks on the recent comments that have been given the shorthand, "you didn't build that."

"This onion structure is why you should never believe reasonable-sounding conservatives who say that you’re attacking a straw man, that “nobody believes” that wealth creators owe nothing to society. Oh yes they do — it’s usually hidden inside a couple of more socially acceptable excuses, but at their core Ryan and people like him believe that they’re characters in Atlas Shrugged."

The distinction Krugman ignores, for rhetorical simplicity, is that the wealthy are not, in fact, arguing that they owe "nothing."  They are arguing that they owe no more than anyone else owes.  Which isn't any less stupid than having them claim to owe "nothing" in my book.

Mitt Romney needs to explain to the American people how many American jobs his money that's parked in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda is creating annually.  Until he does that, I see no reason to listen to anything he or any of the people who support him have to say.  Even after, he needs to explain why simple fairness doesn't require him to pay a rate at least as high as everyone making less than he does.

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