A member, and hoping to stay that way, of the reality-based community

05 October 2008

Excuse me?

Thanks to Political Animal, I was pointed to something that goes like this:

I am listing for your consideration the platform of Barack Hussein Obama as best as I can figure it out....
TERRORIST THREAT TO AMERICA: Learn to speak Arabic....
REPARATIONS TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY: Opposes before Election Day and supports after Election Day...
FREEDOM OF RELIGION: Mandatory Black Liberation Theology courses taught in all churches--- raise taxes to pay for this mandate....
There's more, but I think you get the picture.

What I want to know is how is the author of this considered an acceptable occupant of a post in the Republican Party if the party is not racist? If it were my party, I'd want him tossed. Now. If it's your party, what are you waiting for?